Brute Force FTP Accounts with Hydra (GUI)


  THC-Hydra is a very fast (multi-threaded) network logon cracker which supports many different services like :-

  • afp

  • cisco

  • cisco-enable

  • cvs

  • firebird

  • ftp

  • http-get

  • http-head

  • http-proxy

  • https-get

  • https-head

  • https-form-get

  • https-form-post

  • icq

  • imap

  • imap-ntlm

  • ldap2

  • ldap3

  • mssql

  • mysql

  • telnet

Our Objectives

  •  In this tutorial we will learn how to use Hydra to crack ftp password.


  • Backtrack

  • Strong Wordlist or you can make your own wordlist by using cupp tool.
You Can also Download Hydra From here: Click Here


How To Open it :-

  • Goto Backtrack >> Privilege Escalation >> Password Attacks >> Online Attacks >> hydra-gtk.

Brute Force FTP Passwords with Hydra (GUI)

How to do it :-

  • Type the ip of targeted website in the single target box and select ftp in protocol box.

Brute Force FTP Passwords with Hydra (GUI)

  • Now open the Passwords tab, put username of that ftp account which you wants to bruteforce and in password section, select password list  then click on the blank box. After that a new window will be open, from there select the path of your wordlist. You can download a good wordlist from here.

Brute Force FTP Passwords with Hydra (GUI)

  • Now goto under Start tab and then click on start. Then it will start brute forcing.

Brute Force FTP Passwords with Hydra (GUI)

  • If there is a password in wordlist of a particular ftp account. Then it will be bruteforced successfully.

Brute Force FTP Passwords with Hydra (GUI)


At the end of this tutorial, we have learned the simple usage of  Hydra and also we have learned how to crack ftp passwords and how it works.

Note:- This is only for educational purpose , we are not responsible for any type of illegal activity done by you.


  1. upload wordlist strong 1 .. ihav but not much gud

  2. Can you make a tutorial on how to load from an FTP Source and provide a free open FTP server including the perfect wordlist for everyone?
