Dropbox Bussiness Free to use { Limited }


Dropbox allow only one trial per account but they didnt verify the credit or debit card used during signup that it was used before to take a trial or not.
last month i tried Dropbox business for general purposes and before the end of trial i cancelled the account so nothing got charged from my debit card.

I created a new account and signed up for Dropbox business with the same debit card used before and it was successful and now i can again use Dropbox business for 30 days.

suppose i created an account with an email address let consider it account A.
i invited 5 users and after trial expired account A has a folder with the team name.
Create another trial account with new account B and after that Share the team name folder which exists in A account.

By this a user can also have the access of his last data and now he can save more data on a trial account by repeating the process i can easily spoof Dropbox and can use Dropbox for business without paying.

I reported this to Dropbox but they told me that this is a known issue.

However I tried this but if someone have more info on this please let me know.

Stay Tuned


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