Securing WordPress:Changing Wordpress Database Prefix
Hi fellas,
Today I will discuss about a really small mistake which many website admins does who has a website based on WordPress.
The mistake is when they start installing WordPress. The WordPress makes a database with a wp_ prefix website admins doesn't change that prefix.
If any SQLi vulnerability is found out any attacker can easily know which database belongs to WordPress and they can steal the credentials of their WordPress account.
Many people develops their website with their own code but they uses WordPress to host their blogs etc so if a SQLi vulnerability exists on their main site attacker can also steal their WordPress credentials so it is advised to Change the prefix of WordPress database
How to Change WordPress Database Prefix
1. In order to change the wordpress database prefix you have to install a wordpress plugin name CHANGE DB PREFIX.
3. And Change the database prefix to your desired one.
After completing your changes remove that plugin because we doesn't need this anymore
After completing your changes remove that plugin because we doesn't need this anymore
However this a small issue but this can be a best practice to change the database prefix.
Suggestions are welcome
Special thanks to Gray Code Gurpreet Singh & Moni HBH who Helped me on every Spot
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