Clarification about the hack on Oxigen Wallet
We have a clarification about a post posted some time ago the post was about oxigen website hack.
We want to clarify wallet is safe.
As we are also oxigen wallet user. We have just came to know that it was just an webpage attack and it does not relate with oxigenwallet secured servers. So we would like to update that a small temporary attack on a website page by attackers does not cause wallet users to suffer any loss or damage and that their money is safe and secured in Oxigen Wallet. The internet pages are vulnerable to attacks despite best security measures/standards; responsible online companies do prepare for such intrusion and build security measures not to compromise the data/information/assets of their customer. Oxigen Services (India) Private Limited (“Oxigen”) too has built in such measures. The wallet money does not rest on a website page nor with the company and they are secured by way of cautious deposit with appropriate banks/other modes. Access to mobile wallet is an ultra secured access. Web site page attack does not cause any impact on wallet security.
" A small temporary attack on website page by attackers doesn't cause wallet users to suffer any loss or damage and that there money is safe and Secured in Oxigen wallet "
We want to apologies for that
Thank you
Team CK
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