TheHarvester: An Information Gathering Tool
Today we will discuss how we can use TheHarvester tools which comes inbuilt in Kali Linux and in many leading linux distributions like Backbox
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Today we will discuss how we can use TheHarvester tools which comes inbuilt in Kali Linux and in many leading linux distributions like Backbox
What is TheHarvester?
TheHarvester is a information gathering tools which can gather emails, subdomains, hosts, employee names, open ports and banners from different public sources like search engines, PGP key servers and SHODAN computer database.
Using TheHarvester :-
1. Open terminal of Backbox and type theharvester and press enter
2. Now there is some option you can use for this tools.
-b = This is used for specifying the search engine you want to use for your finding
-d = This is used to specifying the domain for which you want to gather the information
-l = This is used to limit the number of search
-f = This is used for saving the information in an html file.
3. Now lets start using it
type this is command terminal
backbox@backox:~$ theharvester -d -b google -l 200
here as i specified above i am searching for via google search engine and limited the search result to 200
there are some other option you can use
-v = This is used to verify the host name via DNS resolution and then it will search for virtual hosts
-n = Perform a DNS reverse query for all the ranges discovered.
-c = Brute force for the domain name.
-e = You can specify a DNS server for use by this
You can get more information by typing
theharvester -help
thats all for today hope you enjoyed it
Jitendra K Singh & Sooraj Shekhar (Team Computer Korner)
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