Exploring Android: What is an Android APK
Hi ,
In past days I am busy in learning a new things so here is I am with a New Post
So Android OS is used by most of the people So i thought I have to write some posts on android app components.So today I will explore What is an Android APK and what it consist of. So lets Start.
What is an Android App
So Android Apps are basically compressed zip files You can easily extract them by changing the extension from APK to zip.
After extracting it , The APK consist of 6 folders and files these are
- res
- assets
- resources.arsc
- classes.dex
- AndroidManifest.xml
- res : This folder consist the resources for the Android App Like images xml files layout and many other resources which is used to make the Android app Like You added some logo or other resources.
- META-INF: The META-INF folder is the home fort the MANIFEST.MF file. This file contains meta data about the contents of the JAR. For example, there is an entry called Main-Class that specifies the name of the Java class with the static main() for executable JAR files.
- assests: This folder contains the Raw Approach to resource management.
- resources.arsc: ARSC, or application resource files, are used by programs developed for the Google Android mobile operating system. They contain compiled resources in a binary format, and may include images, strings, or other data used by the program, usually included in an APK package file.
- classes.dex: This Holds the Program codes.
- AndroidManifest.xml: This contains the permission and the content uri paths and Services exported and activities.
So After Just de-compiling we get encoded AndroidManifest.xml file
So In next post we will discuss how to decode the encoded AnroidManifest.xml.
Thats all for this post
Special Thanks to Gurpreet Singh
Stay tuned
Jitendra K Singh(Team Computer Korner)
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