Exploring Android: How to Read the AndroidManifest.xml file
Hi Everyone,
In the last post of exploring android we talked about How to decompile an Android App using dex2jar and JD-GUI.
but what if you want to read its AndroidManifest.xml or you need other files like images and many others.
There is also a way by which you can read these files Like AndroidManifest.xml file in order to get all the activities and the content provider exported.
So to get all these files and folder mentioned in this post then there is a tool which you can use.
to the name of the tool is apktool. You can download this tool from Here.
After downloading the file paste it in a new folder.
Steps to Decompile
- First of all copy the apktool in a separate folder and paste the android apk which you want to decompile in the same folder where you placed the APKtool.
- Now open command prompt in the same folder. You can do it by pressing the shift with a right click.
- Now give this command in the command prompt java -jar apktool.jar androidPackagename.apk
- A new folder will be created there with the name same as the package name of the android apk.
- Now you can easily read all the files like AndroidManifest.xml files as well.
Jitendra K Singh (Team Computer-Korner)
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